Troubleshoot INK for Adobe Illustrator

⚠️  Please always make sure you have the Creative Cloud application installed and that you are logged in to your Adobe account.
We do not promise to support older versions than the latest ones due to our limited capacity.

Common problems

1. Running the plugin on Mac with the M1 chip

2. Getting an installation error on Mac - “Extension license is damaged (Error 6xx)”

3. The plugin doesn’t work on Windows - The panels are greyed out and the tool is missing.

4. Manual installation on Windows

In any case, the above solution didn't help; please try to get help from the community or report the issue here.

Report bugs

Help how to provide us bug details so we can squash them.

Uninstall LTTR/INK from Illustrator

In certain cases, you might want to uninstall the plugin from your Adobe Illustrator copy. We have two ways of doing that. Learn more in the following tutorials.