LTTR/INK release 1.0 (March 2021)


  • What's in the 1.0
  • New name
  • New pricing
  • What's next
  • Thanks for pre-order customers
  • We are hiring

What's In The 1.0

Let's again recapitulate the status. It's five months after the last update, so you are most probably expecting some results.

FeatureStatusNotesEllipsis brushReleasedEllipsis has completely substituted abscissaProduce clean outlinesReleasedGenerate production-ready outlines with rare corrections neededStroke StylesReleasedSimple interface for multiple strokes presets. (Type-Designers only)

We've also improved compatibility with Glyphs 3 and added support for Apple Silicon (M1).

New Name

Letterink is now called LTTR/INK to follow the same scheme as our other products like LTTR/SHOP.

New Pricing

With the official release, we have two pricing variants and a new pricing model.

  • Letterer — provides simple brush drawing without any advanced features
  • Type-Designer — provides advanced features that speed up complex type-design workflow

For more detailed information about Pricing and Licencing, read the announcement.

What's Next

FeatureStatusNotesVarious brushesIn researchConsidering involving splines, let us know what you thinkSwash easingIn researchWaiting for enough user feedback. Contact us Skeleton componentsNot startedWaiting for enough user feedback. Contact us

To see all our plans and feedback please visit our Public Roadmap.

Thanks For Pre-Order Customers

Finally, we are officially releasing what some of you were expecting since the spring 2016.

Thank you for your patience and support for our vision by purchasing an expensive promise.

Now the promise has become true and you can fully enjoy what you have paid for.

The last part that we still owe you are various brush shapes.

Should you have additional questions feel free to contact us.

So let it be written, so let it be done!

What's next

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