LTTR/INK pricing change


  • Two pricing tiers
  • Features comparison
  • Licensing model
  • Updates pricing
  • What it means for pre-order customers

Two Pricing Tiers

With the first official release, we have decided to go with two pricing variants — tiers.

  • Letterer — provide simple brush drawing without any advanced features. If you want to just draw a few letters or create a lettering, this is your choice for €50.
  • Type-Designer — provides advanced features that speed up complex type design workflow with strokes and skeletons. If you are working on a whole font or even a complex font family, this is your choice for €120.

You can upgrade from the Letterer tier to the Type-Designer tier at any time. The price for the upgrade equals the difference between the tiers, which is €70.

Features Comparison

LettererType-DesignerEllipsis✓✓Various brush shapes1✓✓Strokes to outline✓✓Strokes interpolation✗✓Stroke styles✗✓Export strokes to a font✗2

1 Not available yet

2 Temporarily allowed

Licensing Model

Although subscription models have become quite common in recent years for good reasons. Subscription won't be our case.

We have decided on the model that is hybrid. Some people call it the Dutch Model.

This means once you purchase LTTR/INK, you can use it forever with free updates for one year. After the year, you'll either stay with your recent version or purchase updates for another year.

We find it beneficial for both sides. Neither you nor we need to speculate about updates and new releases.

  • You'll be saved with the future-proof software → We can work on maintenance fixes whenever they are required.
  • You'll get new features faster, without waiting for major releases → We can continuously improve the tool without hesitation.

Updates Pricing

The price for annual updates will be 75% of the pricing tier price.

  • €37.50 for the Letterer tier
  • €90 for the Type-Designer tier

What It Means For Pre-Order Customers

There will be another major release — 2.0, where we introduce various brushes. You are entitled to use all updates until this release (included). After the 2.0 release, you'll need to purchase annual updates.

Should you have additional questions feel free to contact us.

So let it be written, so let it be done!

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